Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011

The Task of Biology Report of “The Effect of Light in Plant Growth"

Asalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Hehehehe akhirnya laporan biologi pertamaku di kelas 8 selesai. sebagai pengingat ku masukkan ke dalam blog ini. selain itu, laporan ini adalah posting pertamaku. jadi maaf jika masih malu-maluin karena salah ketik atau editan yang kurang bagus. akhirnya selamat membaca. semoga ilmu yang ada di posting pertamaku ini dapat berguna bagi kita semua, Amin.

A.      Question
1.      Which place the stem can be higher? Why?
2.      What is the shortest and longest stem?
3.      What’s the conclusion?

B.      Hypothesis
“The light can affect the growth of plant”

C.      Experiment
The Tools and equipment:
1.      2 pieces of the waste plastic glass
2.      Cotton
3.      6 seeds of green bean
4.      Water
5.      Ruler

The Steps of Experiment:
1.      I put in the wet cotton into the waste plastic glass of mineral drink
2.      I put in the green bean of 6 seeds each glass
3.      Then I put a glass in the light place and other in dark place
4.      I observed the changing it during for a week every day
5.      I measured the length of steam and write down data into the table

D.     Collecting the data
The Light Place
The Dark Place
Stem 1
Stem 2
Stem 3
Stem 1
Stem 2
Stem 3
1 cm
0.2 cm
0.5 cm
0.57 cm
0.6 cm
3.3 cm 
5.5 cm
3.40 cm
2.8 cm
0.8 cm
0.7 cm
1.43 cm
1.8 cm
4.2 cm
7.5 cm
4.75 cm
3.2 cm
1.3 cm
1.1 cm
1.87 cm
2.8  cm
9.7 cm
10.7 cm
3.9 cm
1.8 cm
2.47 cm
3.9 cm
10.2 cm
13.4 cm
9.05 cm
4.7 cm
2.1 cm
2 cm
4.6 cm
11 cm
19.6 cm
5.4 cm
2.4 cm
2.2 cm
5.3 cm
14 cm
25 cm
6 cm
6.5 cm
18 cm
28 cm

The result of the data above is:

1. The place of higher stem is dark place because the sunshine is interfere the Auksin Hormone.
2. The shortest stem is 0.2 cm then the longest stem is 18.08 cm
3. The conclusion is the growth of plant is affected by sunshine, it happens because the characters of sunshine is interfere the Auksin Hormone.

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